Sunday, December 17, 2006


nothing incredibly thrilling to write about today...wasted the whole day literally..well wasted the morning and then went and picked up pictures and talked myself into and out of going to the movies a million itmes...going by myself..well really doing anything by myself really does make me uncomfortable and then i start worrying about crowds and i was almost completely once again talking myself out of something i really wanted to do..and since i went and got my pictures and didnt see a lot of traffic i went to the movies and saw eragon and casino royale..both good movies and a great way to waste like 6 hours!! didnt plan on even going to see casino royale..wanted to see blood diamonds instead .. but since i was so walking out after watching eragon and noticed that i wasnt near the 4 showing for blood diamonds but iwas near the 3:45 showing of casino royale..i picked to see that one instead..besides riley and harris said it was a good movie and if they sat through it then it had to be good and it was..lots of action and whatnot..and then i came home and made something to eat and watched a little bit of tv and now im trying hard to stay awake long enough to write this...kinda disappointed in myself for not packing at all my goal for tomorrow is to get my clothes sorted out and packed away ..and wed im supposed to be going to sc with for that one..and then ill have a more set date for when i have to have everything packed...dee goes out of town a couple days after christmas and i can come up a day or so before mommy and finish packing if i have im not increidbly worriedabout it but it would be less stressful to do as much as i can idea why im so tired when ive done nothing lately..slept for like 12 hours last and on but for total time it was a little over one should sleep that much..dusti is her usual self running all over everything..was intent on sleeping in my bed last night and no amt of moving around i did got her off for long...and she was completely hanging out on my back earlier..but rather dull day..hmm peanut butter and jelly with strawberry milk is really good at like 9 at night ..since im in the process of packing and what not cooking is so not on the list of things to pb&j is awfully handy..oh and ive decided i completely want a dragon..

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