Monday, August 29, 2011

mood swings and anxiety

On days when you don’t have a thought in your head—when you’re not up, but you’re not down, you simply ARE—go sit outside and listen to the breeze whistle through your empty places, and love the day you’re in. ~ Sandra Kring, bestselling author

just a bit of everything today.
a bit down
a bit sad
a bit quiet
a bit thoughtful
a bit overwhelmed
a bit disappointed
a bit worried
a bit frustrated
a bit tired
a bit stressed
a bit longing
a bit lonely
a bit guilty
a bit ashamed
a bit nothing
a bit everything


yeah just a bit of everything right now. its not necessarily a bad thing you know. but its just that something is not clicking right now..and i want to escape but i don't know from what..

my mind is wandering a lot today..this morning..ive been up for hours and accomplished in a flat neutral that i cant decide whether i am happy or sad or depressed or upset..i don't know..

hurricane pic

Irene 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

frustrated ..

i dont want to go back to being depressed..i was feeling ok the past couple days..but last night/this morning..i am feeliing sad agagin...feeling hopeless and so stuck in my situation..its so trapped that i just dont know what to do right now..and im so unmotivated that its just crazy..i dont know what im doing right now

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

prolly not my best idea

so between today and yesterday i watched numerous episodes of intervention and now im watching locked up abroad and creeping myself out big time ... drugs and addiction and wanting some thing so much that you can be talked into anything..that makes me afraid you know..sometimes i dont trust myself and my instincts and im always worrying that im going to just get myself into some big big big major trouble some how..that ill be talked into something and not be able to save myself you know...and its like i watch all this stuff and its like duh i would never do this or never agree to anything like this..and i would never be addicted to drugs or need something so very bad it bad not to trust myself so much?  i dont know.. im scared of my trip next year..i mean yeah im going to the majorly touristy part of mexico and that its not an issue and i wont be alone..but yeah...craptastic lol... im worrying way to far in advance ! ill have to worry about this next year..aafter i actually get my passport...essh..

Thursday, August 18, 2011

well well well....

i joined weight watchers yesterday... it has been two days of eye opening eating is not healthy in the slightest..and i know i can be healthy..and i know i can eat healthy..but i dont..and its affecting me..big time...
i have a lot of  changes to work on making..a lot of choices that ill have to make..yeah..i have a long road in front of me..thats for sure

Sunday, August 14, 2011

reflection....and stuff

i was doing some work stuff today..and adding up paychecks and things..and i realize that at this time last year i was thinking about how my life is hard it would be for me to catch up and live and do anything..and this year i have a job..and i have an apartment and so much more..and i guess i can acknowledge how things have changed for things have gotten better in a lot of ways..and how i am struggling in different ways...i mean mostly im still struggling to learn to manage my finances..and my depression...those are my two biggest struggles right now..but how have i improved in that time??  i have a job..and i like my job..i just got my eval and earned a raise..i live alone and am beginning to realize how to live alone..if only  i could get a handle on my head..and grow up a bit..get comfortable with myself..i dont know..i guess there has been growth but of course im afraid to acknowledge it completely..and the certain struggeles are making things seen so overwhelming and frustrating ...

im hoping that next month with my first pay check ill be bale to buy my tickets for both ny and new orleans..and then i can slowly work on the other stuff associated with those trips..gotta get the tickets though..thats the first step..and i do so much want to go..i really really do..i need to get out of dodge for a while..i really do..
Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself. When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself. The practice is always to go back to oneself... ~Thich Nhat Hanh
The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light. ~ by Sandra Kring
Simplify your thoughts, simplify your life. You can filter the thoughts dwelling in your mind and if there is any residue of resentment, sadness and insecurity--dispose immediately! - by Dodinsky


i took a shower today.. yay i accomplished something..

yeah pretty pathetic isnt it..

Saturday, August 13, 2011


the depression is eating me alive..and i dont know how to stop not even trying anymore..i want to go out and do things but i dont have the energy..instead i hide at home and do nothing but think about everything i should be doing..i feel tearful but cant tired but not sleeping..i dont know what im doing..and i dont feel like doing anything..i feel like a failure..for messing up again..i feel stupid for needing to be bailed out yet again..i cant deal with speaking to anyone right now..i dont want to see anyone..i just want to be alone..i am alone and all im thinking about is who i can talk to..but there is no one to talk thoughts and feelings and all of it is just locked inside my head..inside my body.and there is nothing i can do about it..there is nothing that is going to make me feel better..and i dont know..its hard finding the words to write about how i am back to being so out of energy..i dont want to be in the world right now..i dont want to to work..i dont want to be around tired of talking tired of being..

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

opening a can of worms....

i have to get my birth certificate....i dont know enough information to get my birth certificate..and so im planning on going to ny in oct to get it..but its going to take a bit of planning and research and lots of phone calls prolly to even figure out if anyone can find my birth certificate...i feel so stupid..that i dont know any real information..i dont know the hospital..i dont know my birth parents not even sure of who mommy put on the birth should be so simple..just go and fill out the application and thats it..but no..i dont know not even sure of where in ny i was born..i always say brooklyn..i dont know why..we lived in queens maybe? brooklyn? im doubting myself big time..and its like i know some things but ive forgotten them..i know at one point i did know my birth parents names but ive forgotten...i knew the agency too..although at the time i dont think i realized it..but again ive forgotten it..and it leaves me feeling so stuck and on edge...

i think somehow i have finally decided to put forth the effort to see if i can locate my birth parents...i want to find out where my sister is buried also...all things that leave me feeling so alone and do i start..where do i look...what do i need to do??  its just hard having all this stuff in my head and no way to make it right ... i dont know what im doing..

i will not mess up

i realize that i am trying to mess things up for myself...with work.. like i got my eval done and everything and it was good overall..and i guess im just trying to mess it uncomfortable with the good eval and so im trying to screw it up and be told that im messing up.. :(  does that even make sense ?? oh i dont know..its just all confusing and messy and not good...

Sunday, August 07, 2011 im not beautiful...

im feeling really conflicted tonight..i know that my thinking right now is really very irrational..but it makes sense to me..why does it make sense if i know it is irrational? why does it have to be tonight that i feel the need to think about control and food and all of that..i know afraid of flying..not in the im afraid of heights its the stupid seats on the planes that are so small and so close together..and i want to avoid flying but in nov i have to fly..and so i think about it and worry about it ..and get afraid that i will go and like not fit into the seat or something..and that is just really embarrassing to me..well i mean my whole freaking body is an embarrassment to me..but this is a touchy subject that i just never ever talk about with anyone at all..and the fact that ive been thinking about it so very much lately..lets me know that my irrational side is winning out ... im ashamed of my ed behaviors in the past..i want to say im ashamed of them and underneath i am ashamed of them..but i guess i am also a little proud of my knowledge about nutrition..about dieting..about pills and fasting and restricting .. i know it all. i did it all..i used not eating meat twice as a way to not eat..and it worked both times..ive considered doing it a thrid time..and im not sure about it not sure i will go down that road just healthy eating can get not so good really really fast..and right now i dont want to eat at fighting the urge to go and weigh myself right now for a c ouple reasons..the first of course being that it is at night and ive already eaten for the day and well duh..not good to weigh at night and so that means ill be weighing in the second is that i dont want conformation tonight about how screwed up my eating has been lately...and yeah its been a lot worse..but still major bad choices..stupid choices..overeating and binging extreme..ive even been thinking about purging and that is a really really bad hurts..and even though i can ignore the trying really hard not to do thinking is picking away at me..lessening my resolve..making me think that its ok..that i can do it.that i want to do it..and of course that its no ones business what im doing..that it doesnt matter what im doing to my body because no one cares..i cant cut..and things really feel a bit out of control ..and as much as i hate when i feel like this..its driving me to make better giving up red meat..joining weight watchers..eating more fruit..less fast know the normal stuff thhat is healthy and good and makes sense..but how long before i make it all mess up and make it into an all time consuming long will it stay healthy ? how long before i figure out how to make it work for long before i stop eating and go back to counting calories...ive been afraid to do that...count calories..i go for a little while and stop...and its just hurting me right ?  i mean on one hand im going pretty steadly back and forth between the same 5 pds...lose and gain and lose and gain again..stupid right..i dont feelings tonight about my body and body image just arent so positive...

you know what i was thinking about the other day...ok like yesterday?  i was thinking that i am to fat to have a baby..and i really want a baby...and i even looked up info on artifical insemination..although that is super gross..but i know im not a canidate right now because i am so of course in my convalted mind..its like ok..this is something i can work on...i can lose the weight and by the time im 30  i can seriously look at having a baby...thats a little over two years away..two years to get my life in order..get my head in order..make some major changes...and that is scaary... but i dont know why i am so very hooked on babies right now..i want a baby so bad...and maybe it really is just that im feeling so lonely that i want someone to need want love me..that i would consider having a baby...

but again the whole sex thing is a big big major big part of that...not having sex..not being touched no no no no no...and still i crave it..i want it..i want to know what it feels like..but i dont think it will ever happen..i cant see it ever happening...i just cant...and that makes me think ill be alone for forever...

and i guess thats that...

yeah im a bit depressed tonight...

life - borrowed from facebook :)

Saturday, August 06, 2011

will i ever have a family?

for some reason..the past few months...ive really truly been wanting a baby..a family of my own..not so much a husband or whatever..but a baby..a child of my own...and i guess if i want it then ill have to figure it out on my own..without a husband because that i cant deal with..but can i deal with being pregnant ? what happens if it doesnt work..what if..what if i cant deal with it..what if i cant manage it...what if im not able to deal with myself pregnant...what if my head isnt together enough to even consider bringing a baby into the world ?  oh i dont know..i really dont .. :(  but the whole thing is just an issue that is bothering me...realizing that im turning 28 this year..nad having so many ppl having babies..and knowing that i really do want a child..but i dont trust myself...

Thursday, August 04, 2011

just some thoughts...

you know i realized today...that the past like year and 8 months that ive been in va is the longest that ive ever lived somewhere on my not counting college..because that was a lot of going back and forth home..and im of course not looking at the times that i moved back home...but really truly this is the longest ive been in one place since i finished college...its a scary thought..i dont know why though..thinking about it does make me feel a little ive been in one place to long...and maybe im thinking about it today because i am talking to someone about moving..but yeah i also know that i dont want to go anywhere for another year or so..for now im alright you know..i mean i have consider finding a cheaper apartment..but even that is bothersome and i dont want to pack up what little i have and move again...i really dont...

today i had some issues with controlling my mood/emotions ... i was talking with one of my clients and she brought up something that another client said about me..because they know each other and are neighbors...but she told me that my other client had mentioned my scars and said that she thought i was suicidal..and that she was hurt about not knowing about my family...and i just felt really stupid you know..oh she also mentioned that the babies daddy said he didnt want the baby left with me...really ?!?!  me??! what the hell did he think i was going to do to the baby ? i absouletly would never ever hurt a child...NEVER..what the hell is wrong with him?  but i heard all of this and felt so hurt..i felt stupid for thinking i had made a friend you know..for thinking that i had someone who truly  did like me..and wanted to spend time with me..and maybe it was my fault because i never should have let anything develop outside of the work relationship..she was my client..i worked with her and her family and i should have kept it at that..i shouldnt have gotten so comfortable and feeling like i belonged somewhere..and once again my scars are an issue..and im ashamed of ashamed of ashamed because some people will never be able to see past the scars...they will never be able to understand the scars..and its like ill always have to hide..ill always have to deal with the looks..the wondering..the questions..the makes me feel so very sad...and im upset about it...really upset..but im also trying hard to just let it go...i dont need to dwell on it..i found out about it..and i just have to let it go because its a work related issue that i cant confront or deal with i have to just deal...and not dwell...ill just have to be a bit more careful from now on with all of is for work..clients are not friends...that is that

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

asking for needs ...sigh

this came up in t yesterday..and left me so upset and frustrated that i told t i didnt like her...

i mentioned feeling like i have a lot of needs that arent being met and that i dont know how to get them i want attention sometimes..and at those times i end up wanting it so so much and not getting knowing how to get it that i just isolate even more to find from the feelings..from the needs...i dont know how to comfort myself and i dont know how to ask for comfort or whatever the need may be...and t is like..well you have to ask because other ppl dont know..and i just couldnt wrap my head around that..asking for what i no no no no paperbag.gif ugh..feelings get to jumbled and confused with that little is hard and scary and attention seeking and bad ..because it is like asking for attention and attention is not good at all..and i dont know sad.gif its just so frustrating to be trying to figure it all out...she did ask me to keep track of when i am feeling like i need something..and what it is and everything and i think i can do that..but im not so sure about taking steps to ask for anything from anyone else...

i think the huge underlying feeling is that i need a mother..well a mother figure i know someone to listen and care and give hugs and support...stufff i didnt get growing up..and now i feel to old to get it ..but that doesnt stop me from wanting it..and then i feel so so needy because i feel like i want to very much and i cant have it and so it all piles up and becomes overwhelming...i dont know


Monday, August 01, 2011

i have a lot to write about...but not today

 When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself.  When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.        Eckhart Tolle

ok so i was wrong ... i am going to write..and im really hoping that writing will clear my head a bit...right now the depression is back with a vengeance..and i hate feeling so sad and hopeless about everything.. and i guess that lately without being able to really update here ive just been keepiong things stuck in my head and there isnt a break from myself...thats all i want really..a break from myself..a break from my life...ive gotten so used to rejecting myself and my life that now when i am asked to accept myself..accept where im at in my life..and i cant do it..i am scared of doing it and so i keep finding ways to prevent it..i tell myself that im awful..i tell myself that im stupid that im hated..that im nothing..that no one cares ..and then i watch as i stay stuck..and stay suicidal and keep hurting and looking for an escape that never really comes..

ive thought about a lot of stuff today and i actually thought about just going into the hospital for a break..a real and true no one is expecting anything from me sorta break..and i know that i cant..i understand that..i really do..but the want..the need to just be away from things is so strong..i want an out .. i want to be able to just step out of my life and leave and disappear and i dont know..i just dont really know what i want..sometimes my thoughts are so hard to manange and organize..

right now things are just sorta hard all around..this week and the past week has been trigger city...dealing with the death of my sister...feeling so many different things and trying hard not to cut..not to give into the urge..not to have to struggle so much to voice my sadness and my despair at everything...i cant manage and i do skimp on work..i have been slacking off on its currently 2 am and ive done maybe 1 complete note for tomorrow...crap 1 down what 20 or so more to go ? crap like that is going on..and as much as i want to sleep and escape again ..i just cant tonight and so ill prolly be sitting up until morning trying to focus and get it all done...i have to see the doctor or well a case manager tomorrow to do my assesment to see a pdoc..and i think the anxiety about that is keeping me up too. when im alone i just am like a walking testimony for a depression pathetic and well that is a judgment..i judge myself..all the time..all day every day..i read on some website or somewhere that when im feeling judgmental i have to put money in a jar..i may try wont hurt anything who knows...

the heat ..the weather lately is really getting to me..because i cant wear really cool stuff..and so im always hot and over heating and struggling to like just get through the days when i feel like im going to pass out..and as usual my lack of planning has left me with no food in the house..and im starving...i had cheese quesdiallas today and chicken and so hungry..all i keep thinking about is what i want to eat and what i want to get when i get paid tomorrow ...and im also thinking about how much running around ill have to do tomorrow with clients..have i mentioned that im tired ?

i got my job eval done on friday..and i freaked out about it for a good long time..but it was finally friday and to say it was shocking would be understatement of the year..well not even the was tlaking to my supervisor after the eval that had me all up in the air and uncomfortable and exposed and vunerable..all feels i do not like..and its taken me all weekend to just get myself back under some order of control..some order of calming down...and i dont still struggling to realize and understand that my supervisor can see through my mask..the mask that i put so much effort into keeping up..the one that i make sure i keep in place any time i am around other that no one will know just how much i am hurting or how sad i am or how im plotting my death on a weekly basis.  you know all the stuff that i dont allow myself to talk about because there is no point..and she sees it..she has seen it...and i guess i better back up a bit and explain myself..i did my eval with my supervisor and more than once she had on there that i am  shy and tend to socially withdrawn in group settings..and that i avoid eye contact or look away when talking...yes things i know i do..and things that i am ashamed that i do..but i do them all the same..the issue is that i did not realize that she had noticed and picked up on it..because its not like she has talked to me about it you know..the issue of testifying in court had me admitting to her that i would panic and not be able to testify at all..and that whole thing had happened a couple weeks before..but well she laid it all out for me on the eval..and she told me that my goal will be to share more, gain confidence..etc and so on..and i was of course a bit shocked because that was like..crap crap double crap what am i going to do about it..i dont know what to do about it..i wrote some bs about working on it and becoming more assertive..and its like really ?! me..assertive ?? thats really funny in a hugely depressing way..but well yeah i had to say something..well i had to finish filling out my part and all of that..but afterwards i was still there and talking to the other lady in the office and mentioned to my supervisor that i didnt realize she noticed so much about me..and she of course said that she knew a lot about me..and that she could tell things about me just by talking to me and stuff..and that mgot my nosey self really curious..and i sat there and fought with myself to let it go..but i couldnt..i wanted to know..i needed to know what she 'thought' she knew about me..and now im kicking myself for every asking in the first place -sigh-  she told me that she could tell my story..and knew lots about me..and i asked for more..i told her that i hadnt heard enough to quiet my curiousty..and so she told me more...she talked to me about my feeling sad..she talked about me doing things that were not safe and that i looked for ways out..for escapes..she talked to me about my feeling helpless, hopeless, she talked about me isolateing myself, about my feeling lonely..she told me that sometimes i looked so sad that she just wanted to give me a hug..and she talked about the talk she had given me the other week about angry and letting go of blame and triggers..and during that conversation i did feel like she was talking to me directly..well she told me on friday that she had been talking to me directly..that she felt i needed to hear what she said..she asked me if i wanted her to say the a word..and my in my infinite wisdom stupidly asked her what a word..and she just looked at me..and i was of course thinking and trying to figure out what the heck she was talking about..and then i got it..the a word..abuse.. i told her no..i told her not to say that...instead she told me that i had been hurt..that i wasnt protected as a kid and got hurt..she talked more about letting go of the blame and blaming myself..she told me that although she could see through my mask she was pretty sure that not many other ppl could see through it...i told her that i did work hard to make sure that part of myself was not seen or noticed..and she agreed that my mask was a good one..she told me that things were going to get better for me..she said they were already starting to get better..i sat and listened to her..and wondered how she knew all of this..ive never talked to her about any of it..ive never menetioned any of this in her presence..with my old supervisor i did talk about the cutting a little bit..and well the rest she just sorta put together..but i knew she knew things..with this supervisor it was like a wall popping up in front of me out of no where..and i slammed right smack into it..and i havent been able to get past the wall...the most unnerving thing is that my supervisor told me that she could see a kid..she told me that i was about 5 or 6..and that i was just crying and crying and crying..and that i was at a window but looking down..she started to tell me what i was can she know can she see me when i cant even see me?  when i cant rememeber much of anything from back can i tell her shes wrong when i dont have the slightest idea?  that was the most unnerving thing..i mean the whole entire thing sorta left me speechless and unable to was like my head just scattered into a million different pieces and i couldnt get myself back together..there were so many feelings and thoughts and all of it was just crowding on me and i couldnt hold on to any of it..i left her wanting to be comforted in the worst way and knowing of no way to get any sort of comfort..i was to rattled for real comfort but the need was there..i managed to send heather a message..and got a little validation..but its hard when i cant remeber everything and its all mixed up and confused and im not feeling so connected with took a long time to stop feeling so out of sorts and more contained and able to refocus my energy...before i left my supervisor i told her that i had a question for her but that i didnt know if i wanted to ask her...she told me to think about it and that i could ask her next i told her okay..except my question is dealing with cutting and for whatever reason i need to know whether or not she knows about the cutting...and maybe its just that i need the confirmation that she knows about the cutting..and that not knowing and wondering is not helping my can i just sit down and ask her can i tell her that i cut..that i have cut..that i do 2nd greatest shame is my cutting..and my 1st greastest is the whole binging and purging that happens at times..but that i dont talk about at all..but the cutting...the cutting i will talk about a little bit..and i guess on one hand im hoping she doesnt know..but at the same time i know i must really be kidding myself to think that she doesnt know..really stupid of me ..but i have to ask her some how..and i realize now that my supervisor has never given me a hug..but she has done like the arm touch/rub like when she is walking by me and stuff..and she always manages to touch my upper arm...i can touch my upper arm and realize what it is that i am feeling..and i am assuming she can too..and i guess i just always hoped that she couldnt..and it doesnt happen often or anything..just every once in a while..but she has touched the scars..but not seen the bulk of them..becuase i always try to keep my upper arms and what not covered...i slack off sometimes on the ones on my chest..sometimes it is just hard having to hide them..and keep them hidden..i cant accept what i dont acknowledge..and most of the time i do not acknowledge my the heat wave though i do hate them..i hate them i hate them.i hate anxiety is up big time lately..and im picking at my picking at old picking at bug bites..anything that i can pick i am..and im making sores and what not..but i cant seem to get myself to least this weekend my fingers are not picked to shreds..mainly because ive cut my nails and i cant get at some areas..but earlier this week my fingers were a mess...i try to stop i really do but i just keep picking..and then i get nervous about picking and it just gets worse not better..and i know better...i know better than to pick at my face..i know better than to mess with some areas and right now its like my nervousness and anxiety is just not manageable i guess and so im picking..a lot ...

i did finally clean my vacummed and everything today..only because the cable person was coming and i wasnt ok with them being here and my apartment looking like a i made myself get up and clean..and i did..and its nice actually having my bed made up for once in like 3 months..clean sheets and everything..shocking i know..but  i look at it..what i cleaned and i just see how i could have done a better i could have just really finished..and got to every little thing..and so ive failed at it..once again..ive messed up and screwed up and im just a failure right now..major failure at just about

one of the questions that i have to ask when i do the client intakes is what are some things you struggle with...i asked a client that last week and her response was the time i told her that i couldnt put that..and asked her for something else..and she wouldnt change her answer..but i was just thinking about how much that is what is going on for me right struggling with struggling to manage my just struggling in general and almost feel like a drug addict trying to find my next know im trying so very hard not to give in and break apart a razor just for the blades..i hate doing that...that makes me feel incredibly crazy and out of i really have sunk to some horrible level to have to break something apart just for a few mintues of release...but it would be a nice few minutes of release..but i cant give in..i hope i dont give in .. ive already ruined my body so what will it hurt to finish ruining it..

writing all of this really does make me wonder if i am managing as well as i like to think im getting up and going to work most days..there have been some days when i cant deal with leaving my apartment and have to stay put..there are days when i know i am not reacint well and come home early and just skip out on going to work..most days i have to force myself to stay out and finish working because if i come home before im done i wont finish..i wont go back out..

sometimes i dont think i can be helped..i cant be saved..i cant be not worth it..i have to much stuck in my head to get through..theres no time..ive run out of time..i did what i could and now i am give up..that would be up would give me a break from caring..

but well i guess im done writing for head is feeling a bit i guess its time to get back to will be morning technically really soon.