Friday, May 12, 2006

"If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, then we aren't really living."

im sick of writing, i think ive spent half my life writing and ive learned nothing important..i went through and read some of my old poems and stuff from like years ago and then recent stuff and then the one that ive worked on for a year and still cant finish and they all go around the same gonna be one of those writers that becomes famous after they day and then people willl just analyze the heck out of all of it and decide that i was just a suicidal nutcase..could be fun and its so interesting how even now when i have to analyze stuff i dont get what the teacher sees or what someone else sees and there is always the chance that we are all way off anyway..who in the world would take the time to figure out my life story? i cant even figure it out..more like i dont want to figure it out...but anyway..hmmm stuck being depressed lately..not really stuck with the b/p thing i just havent fixed it or anything yet..lonely and bored out of my mind..annoyed at almost everything..trying out to be not a great day at all and even the internet is getting boring

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