Saturday, April 25, 2009

feeling quiet

well i gave in and went and bought a small fan..its just way to hot in my room since i had to switch rooms and lost the ceiling fan..and even mommy has stopped complaining about me having the window open..its was in the 80s today and in the house the heat just gets stuck upstairs and so i was suffering big big time..and it is miserable and makes me really cranky being in the house when its so very now i have a small fan for the window and it feels so so soooo much better..aat least i wont melt into a puddle anytime soon.

something has made me break out big time..and i hate not sure if its just the heat and its a rash or if its something ive been using on my face..or i dont im hoping it goes away..and since its only on one side of my face im assuming ive just touched or laid on something and had a reaction or i got some different face stuff for sensitive skin and a milder lotion to see if that helps any..

ended up going to babysit for a bit..and getting out of the house was good..a to regroup and just chill out for a bit away from am feeling a lot calmer now..and sleepy but thats just because its so late..

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