Saturday, September 22, 2007 ramble

hmm today got off to a really interesting ok mostly tiring day at work..the usual issues going on and the usual problems..and to top it all off we had a ton of chores to do today...a lot of extra cleaning stuff and laundry and it was a hassle getting them cleaning first thing in the morning and then of course i have some how become cleaning person of the universe incharge of handing out tasks and all of them just bombard me at once asking what they need to is really overwhelming and tiring when they do that..and then they get sidetracked and stop focusing and walking away from chores have done and yea its a lot of work keeping all 8 of them doing what they need to get done..for the most part they work well and get it done but it takes some time..but then we started packing and had to deal with blow ups and melt downs..crying and worries..refusals and over packing..i wanted to pull my hair out after a while dealing with a couple of the kids..but somehow we got them all packed with jim of course..fed them and then we left for the mall..and the trip to the mall was actually a lot of fun..the drive was just long and hot and if you have never been on our short buses you just havent lived completely :P..they are miserable contraptions but they get us where we need to go..and if nothing else we always make a statement..i do hate the ppl that stare because there is nothing wrong with our kids but they stare.. so we make it to the mall and decide the kids can go off by them selves and we give a time limit..well of course jim and i go off with one who needs a bit of extra supervision...and try to lose the rest of the 6 kids who had decided to stay together and of course they keep managing to run into us :) i wish we had had a camera to get a picture of the boys in the tea shop playing with tea cups..or when they all swarmed on the candy store..that made them all really happy..or when the kid we were with lost me in the book store and im randomly walking between shelves and all of a sudden i have a bunch of ppl calling my name and there is my kid saying he lost me :) we took him to the video store because he is intent on getting an inconvient truth and to get new ear phones for his ipod..he was obsessing about getting a watch because we told everyone they had to have one or stay with someone who did and so that was all he he ended up taking me under the asumption that we had bought it for him! but he was happy with it and i made it a point to keep asking him the time so he could use im out of the watch i had borrowed from jim in the first place! oh the things i have to give up for my job! hmm but then of course we are out of time and heading to the meeting spot and the other 6 are there an waiting just like we asked them to be..we went to a couple more places in the mall and then found one of the picture booths and crammed like 4 ppl in at a time to take pictures..the boys pics turned out better than the girls did but it was fun and i think they enjoyed getting to play around because me and jim were being loud and laughing and just having fun..then we went to barnes and nobles with them and they behaved again..i worry about our lowest functioning because like our group knows him and his behaviors..but other ppl dont and they may get upset with him and stuff ..but the other kids do look out for him and keep an eye on it helps but the worry is still there..theen we come back for dinner and other stuff at camp before bed..of course some how i end up helping him with his showering and changing the water temp and trying to get him to stay behind the curtain and not walk around with no clothes on..easier said than done and i had to tell him to wash his hair until he saw bubbles..i had to help one of the girls pack because she had a melt down earlier in the day and couldnt do it then..well we got her backpack all packed and then i asked her to pick it up..and she almost fell over backwards trying..almost 11 at night and we are in the girls cabin cracking up..almost crying we are laughing so hard..finally i lifted it up for her and held it while she put it on and still could barely move..i think we are going to have to repack her in the morning :) but im glad she was in much better spirits this was easier getting things done...we had fun..groupwise everyone is doing ok...and im glad for that

still im ready to go home ready for a break..and ill have a long break and prolly after the second day ill be at a lost for what to do with ready to sleep in my own bed..and play with dusti..

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