Tuesday, October 09, 2012


im really thick sometimes thinking.gif

lately my eating well the eating in general has been off the charts..majorly overeating and what not...and then i have been sleeping a lot..and doing a lot of laying down and stuff and it annoys me..because for the past 3 days ill eat a big meal and then sleep..no meds ..no nothing..just lay down and go to sleep...and really it took until today for me to figure out that i am falling asleep when i am feeling really full...well in some instances im falling asleep when im really full...and that means that im not paying attention to what im eating..and i know im not..but for whatever reason i just wasnt connecting the dots until today..and its like eating and laying down is not good..duh me..but also binging out on fast food and laying done is so much worse...tomorrow i will go to work if it kills me darnit...but as for today..again another day where i have done nothing at all you know..and i get so annoyed with myself when i dont do anything during the day...i did go and talk to my pdoc and that made me feel a little bit better..but its not the same as talking to t...but i know that as the weeks go by my anxiety is getting higher..and so just trying to deal you know..but just a lot of worrying and stress and anxiety going on right now..a lot to do and instead of doing it i am just laying around wasting time and wondering why i dont want to do anything..its not all depression..some of it is just plain being lazy...not all of it..but some of it...and that is going to completely need to change..i know a healthy diet and exercise and all that is supposed to help with like having energy and what not..and for health reasons im not supposed to be eating a lot of carbs anyway..but that are the things i choose to ignore you know...but i cant sleep my life away for a cheeseburger and fries...if im going to sleep then darn it let it be for a good reason and not because i just freakin ate to much.. just annoyed..and having some inside arguments...blah

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