Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dusti - RIP 1/26/2011

Dusti was my best friend. I talked to her about everything and nothing.  She was there with me through a lot of tough times, and a lot of tears and struggling and hard days.  She kept me company when I wanted no one around me.  She went with me through 4 moves, college, and living on my own. I spoiled her, gave her everything she needed or wanted.  I loved her with all of my heart and never wanted to see her hurting.

I took her to the vet today and had to say goodbye.  She was hurting, she was struggling to breathe and to hang on.   I couldn't see her like that, I couldn't keep forcing food and medicine into her and hearing her cry.  I couldn't listen to her struggling to get air in and not be able to help in any way. I couldn't watch her like that and I would never force her to live like that. I had to let her go :( . I wanted her to be at peace. I really hope she knows that I loved her.

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