Thursday, September 11, 2014

Now the excitement

Holy cow holy cow... Now I'm starting to feel excited.. I'm nervous and trying to cram everything in that still needs to be done!!  But I can't believe that we are really going on television trip.. Suddenly all I want to do is get away.. From all of it and just hang out with Sarah and take pictures and have a good time.. And even knowing I'm gonna be with her for  a whole week makes me want to be with her even more right now... And I know I can't because there are other things to get done bit yeah.. I just want to be with her and when I come back.. Then I will deal with the real world again... But now.. Now I just want to go!!!!!

Also found out today that Wayne and Courtney are pregnant.. That makes me so very very happy... I can't wait to go see her and hang out... Babies just make me excited.. I'm happy for them.. I really am...

I'm feeling a little bit anxious about the job stuff.. Especially with the dang investigation... I want to get all of that stuff turned in now.. So it can be run or whatever... I don't know anymore what may pop up on my background check... Ugh... But I'm stressing and trying not to be...

But yeah a lot going on... Seriously... But I'll take vacation like right now!!!  But it is still two more days before the trip starts...

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