Saturday, March 01, 2008

just a little rant

so feeling better today..just a bit headachy off and on..but almost back to my reg old self..thankfully..have been lazing around today..playing videogames and playing online and looking at my room and planning to clean it up and start packing ! planning being the key word in that little part lol..but i do want to at least start packing because i have to leave straight from work friday night and coming home just isnt a good idea because then ill just be even later getting to gville and then we have to leave at 2 ish in the morning to go to the airport and im not gonna be in a ppleasant mood at all! but its just one less thing to stress about that ill stress about anyway!

but thats not whats bothering me so much...mommy after everything she said about not letting my nephew stay with us he is here and its just like why in the hell is he here and why hasnt he left yet...have you ever just had someone that instantly got on and stayed on your bad side no matter what ? obviously it takes an asful lot to get on my bad side but my nephew is just i dont know..i hate to say i dont like him but i really dont..because everyone has tried to help him and he just throws it back in their faces..he has gotten into trouble for everything and then its like he goes through every one and gets what he wants and then comes back like nothing happened and he can start over..for all of mommies fault she does help everyone if she may not hear the end of it but she will help..and i hate that she is going to get stuck with him agian and its just not gonna work out..and its not like he hasnt lived here before..he grew up here..and lived with us for what 18 or so years and as a kid he was fine but then i dont know he just changed i suppose and got into drugs and everything..and its like geez we arent perfect at all but all of us either finished school and yet to college or got a job or lived away from home or something to just show we can take care of ourselves and do what we are supposed to do..and yea he grew up with us but its like he just expects everyone to do things for him and bail him out of trouble..and it gets on my nerves..i look at him and just dont see anything at all..and its just a pain having him in the house again..because i dont want my stuff to walk away when he leaves.and hes taken clothes and meds and junk out of my room before and its like ok dont leave anything down..and i told mommy i didnt want him here..but he got kicked out of some program in mi and came back here and called mommy cas he had no where else to go cas none of the other relatives here will take him in again..and so mommy caved and he is here and im waiting for him to leave..and i guess that makes me a bad person..cas i have no intention of giving him anything..i barely talk to him and sometimes it is like he isnt even in the house..but then he loses his temper and you just here stuff being thrown around downstairs and its like great hes gonna break something and then all hell will break i stay out of his way..he stays out of mine but just knowing he is here is enough to keep me on edge i guess..and even just being back for a few days he has hooked up with his old friends and its like hes just gonna get his self in trouble again

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