Wednesday, December 14, 2005

freezing yet again

its majorly cold here today and for some reason my room just stays idea why and yvonne room stays warm..go much as i like being cold i would rather my room didnt have subzero weather in it..i told yvonne yesterday that if my room got any colder i could make it snow in here...prolly could too..hmm my own winter wonderland not a bad idea...hmmm not feeling good right now but i guess that would pass to if i would go eat and stop throwing up dinner...i was cleaning up downstairs for yvonne because allen is coming over and spending the night and well she is having company and i voluntered to help out and so i was cleaning and i got downstairs finished but now i have a really bad headache and i just want to go to bed for a while...walking around half dressed prolly isnt helping anything either and i should know better than to walk outside in a tshirt bad me...and eating ice isnt helping either..the colder it gets the more i want ice..odd combination considering im pretty sure being cold and eating ice at the same time doesnt do much to raise my body temp and then i just stay cold for longer periods of time...but now im expecting it to snow and soon! it so looks like snow weather and i really want it to snow before i leave and knowing my luck it wont snow at all infact it will prolly go back up in the 70s just to spite me..oh well and if i could predict the weather i would so make it snow for the heck of it and since it annoys me to no end that ppl swear justcas its nc we wont get snow..maybe ill put it on my christmas list...the last time i was at home with riley and harris and cameron and william we ended up talking about santa claus and i know that i dont believe in it and havent ****something came up..will finish later***

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