Thursday, November 05, 2009

build a bear

it was a surprise trip and wasnt supposed to get anything..but ofcourse as soon as it was mentioned i got up and got ready to go..but it was hard to cas the anxiety is so high right now :( wasnt to ok at first but then got out this evening and once we were there at the mall the mood improved..and then went to the toy store and sat on all the expensive furniture and went to build a bear and the pj store and was in a happier mood...but then we went to dinner and for some reason the mood just dropped big time..and i was restless and anxious and just done with the evening..and i dont know..mommy called and maybe that caused some of the worries and concerns to start up again.. had been doing so good not thinking about it and just trying hard to enjoy the day but after talking to mommy and going to was just kinda downhill big time...still to the point of feeling like i want to nervous and just upset in general..i want to be left alone and at the same time i want to be asked whats wrong ..but i wouldnt answer..not with the whole truth anyway..

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