Monday, February 02, 2009


im tired tonight but thats ok. have to take mommy to work tomorrow morning but thats ok you know...had a long conversation today with well myself about picking my battles..and it came up after mommy started hounding me about my taxes again..and how she was going to go with me and when i needed to do them and it is was frustrating and ii told her what i had planned to do and she didnt listen of course..and i just stopped trying to explain myself and let her have her say..kept telling myself that it was ok and that it wasnt something that i needed to be upset over because its the same argument every is one of those things that there is just no point in even trying to argue with mommy about..because i wont cave and tell her where my money is going and she keeps telling me what i need to be doing with my money..but i think i did ok you know..but i noticed that if i slack off even a little bit on reminding myself what is ok and what isnt ok with mommy then the old thoughts start creeping back in and takes over and then i just kinda give up..the old thoughts are so automatic that it is just disappointing at how easy it is to get stuck in them...all i have to do is just lose focus and its like i was never even trying you know..its so hard to keep focused on something like that..was in the car at the time and when i started to drift off i made myself refocus on the music playing until i got my head back under control..and then it just started all over again..

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