Friday, October 31, 2008

disappointed..and other stuff

im feeling really disappointed in myself right now..well tonight.. i know im not ok..i know that last night i was seriously thinking a lot of not so good stuff..i didnt just want to cut but i was willing to cut just to get my head to stop..i was thinking that i would just cut and get it over with but then i started thinking it would be even more disappointing to cut and not have the same feelings as before.. i was worried that i would ruin my 80 or so days and then it doesnt work..and that would be really disapointing..and then having to tell that i did it.. i wanted to cut my arms .. i was willing to show them..but what would be the cost of giving in..i didnt last night but i wanted too..i kept thinking that i had to call her but i didnt want to because i didnt know what to say..i didnt know what i was thinking and i couldnt put it into words..i just wasnt ok..and so i did the bare minimum to get away with it but still the guilt over calling and hanging up without leaving a message kept me in check i i didnt do anything last night..eventually came home and took some sleeping pills and just went to bed..because i didnt know of anything else to do to keep myself safe enough i guess..but that worked i guess..i was sleep by 9:30 and then i had to wake up at 4:30 to take mommy to the airport..and freaking a the meds werent out of my system yet and so im struggling to drive and stay awake when all my eyes want to do is close and i just wanted to sleep..and it was so hard driving and keepiong focus this morning..hmm but then i went to see linda and i knew i asnt ok..i knew i was feeling suicidal and all this other stuff and i didnt tell her..i coudlnt tell her and i dont even know why... and thats why im feeling so disappointed in i knew it and i didnt let her hepl me...i feel calmer from seeing her but the feelings are still there and i didnt tell her and if i do anything its like crap..what wil she think? will she be mad at very worried she will be mad at me..that really scares me..if i stress about it enough maybe ill tell her next week..maybe ill collect my thoughts enough to write it down and show her..i dont know..but its worrying me alot..and i guess it will all upset i didnt call her when i knew i needed to talk to her..i got through it well enough but i just know talking to her would have made it a little easier..and then she would have known before i came today.. but it still involves me talking and telling her and im still not so good at voicing whats wrong..i still have a lot of trouble asking for help...asking her for help..letting her know whats wrong..i dont even know whats wrong most of the time..but we are going to back off from past stuff..because its just so hard and i dont know so much of it..maybe it will help..maybe it will give me time to chill out and calm down a little bit before trying to go back into it..theres plenty of other stuff to not talk abut im sure..if only i wouldnt get so distracted..-sigh- lots of thoughts in my head right now..

but onto a different subject...theres this photography show at the library in a couple weeks..and anyone can submit pictures.and i was umm thinking o f submitting some.but im nervous and cant decide if i want to or not..i mean i have som good pictures i think but just knowing i will be showing them someplace like that and have my name on it and ppl looking at it ..and the attention..oh it makes me so nervous and scared..but i want to ..i think i want too..and theres the option of selling them..and i have no idea how to price a snapshot! still thinking about it...wondering..worrying..cant decide just yet..

and now im so cold i cant think straight..mommy says no to turning the heat on..and i can no longer feel my feet. im shaking to much to do aynthing

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