Tuesday, November 10, 2015

trying to stay ok

I feel like I'm slipping...going down into the dark depths of depression...I'm worrying and stressed ..yesterday was an ok day..saw Anita and it was fine..I kind of isolated when I got home..something is going on with avante but she hasn't told me so I can't do anything to help...so Im just staying to myself...I think the yelling may be getting to me a bit..yesterday I listened to music for a long time...today I don't know what I'll do..but my thoughts are stressed and worried...I'm frustrated that I can't find my drink mixes...I left them on my dresser..I come home and they can't be found...I'm very careful to not accuse the kids but yeah..I'm pissed off...I am reminded that I need to hide my stuff to prevent anyone from messing with it..or it walking away from my room and no one knows what happened to it...  can't afford to be going back to the store..I don't have the money...so I'm frustrated with it...it's little stuff you know..but I don't say anything...And the little stuff becomes bigger..sigh...Maybe I'm over reacting..I don't know..I'm  Just bothered...And it makes me miss having my own place and my own space..And sadly I'm worse off now than I was before...And   I don't know...I'm tired..I'm feeling weighed down..bogged down with life..checking my bank account did not help how I'm feeling ...what in the hell am I going to do?? That's all I can think...is what am I going to do...

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