Sunday, June 28, 2015

I feel as if there is nothing left

My head can't handle anything really can't ..I have told mommy what is going on and now she is adding on pressure..nia and Sarah are both being supportive and letting me cry...Im  not sure how I truly feel about the I I understand? Am I willing to forgive and be able to move on? I feel as if I was set up in a way..I gave up everything..Just to be left hanging after a week...i  have two weeks to move..two weeks to get a set plan in order..I've cried so much since yesterday..I can't get rid of my headache..I can't get a handle on how I am feeling and I know I am not safe...I don't feel safe..I feel on  edge..anxious..fearful and afraid..I don't know what I want to do...I'm worried and tired...My head won't stop hurting...I don't feel ok here. It's not safe..I thought I would be safe here and instead I get reminded that I am not wanted...what is there for me to do

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