Wednesday, March 16, 2005


this year has gotten off to a really bad running out of things that could possibly happen...just lots of many worries...doing one thing at a time drives me crazy faster than normal...i knew there was a reason i always have five things going at much time left to think if i only do one thing. i have a headache...i hate headaches because then looking at the computer screen agrivates me...small problem i cant feel the cuts..couldnt feel them when i was doing them..the problem being the ability to gauge when to stop isnt there...constant battle to not start cutting again because my head is going in to many different directions to be able to focus enough to make myself stop. all the normal feelings arent there..usual feelings so i know what i did doesnt hurt..knowing they are there doesnt make them hurt...not even trying to focus on them makes them hurt...its past my usual ability to ignore them...its like there not there anymore..i never made them..just an excuse to do it again. but they are there i checked...i saw them...glaring judgement as to how screwed i am...i prefer the dead disconnected feeling to this...i really do

1 comment:

luvpayne said...

wisp.. please stay strong... please talk to me... at least allow someone to share your burden.. i promise you will start feeling a bit better.. you are shutting down... that is why do not feel.. i can help you if you want..... stay strong, you are worth it...