Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Things are going ok right now...they really are..I'm trying to manage and I did throw out the razors..they are completely gone now since I took out the trash this morning..I was once again stuck cleaning up the kitchen..but oh well...I cleaned up and went to get toilet paper and paper towel..I asked her to get some but she never answered my text so I see no point in waiting for her..I don't plan on running out of stuff for her I went to the store and picked some up..I got sandwich stuff and I got some water and sugar free mixes..And some cereal...surprisingly I didn't want any snacks..I got some chickfila and it made me sick...Ugh...I'm going to be able to get my meds by the end of the month..I finished my taxes for the most part and will be getting a small amount that will help out with bills and maybe I can get something that I want ...who knows...I'll see...but I will be able to get caught up on the stupid water bill..I found out that I may be taken off of the schedule because of my transcripts and right now I don't even care..I'm tired and I'm trying to get my transcripts from my other job and they aren't sending them..I've been emailing for weeks and something keeps coming I guess I'll be off the schedule...I'm trying hard to care...but the need for a few days off is much needed...Just a couple days or something of no next Wed I'll know for sure...but me being taken off the schedule gives me time to look for another job..I've talked to my supervisor about the current financial struggle and they are going to take me off?!?! Yeah that makes sense...

I'm off on Saturday though..And that is pretty exciting...I've gotten all but one thing for Sarah and hopefully she likes it..we are going to the movies and out to eat..Marcia is going to but that's ok..because in April we will be gone for a week..not the most private place but just getting it will be ok...we make it work..And I like doing things that makes Sarah happy..which is a totally different conversation...

I cancelled my appointment to see the doctor tomorrow..I don't want to go..And if something happens I'm technically at the clinic each week anyway..I can make another appointment...

But like I said..getting through Feb is the important thing...And then maybe things will get a bit easier...hopefully

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