It's 2016... No I'm not going to right about how the new year means a new me...I'm still the same old me...the date changes nothing...I do want to say though that I wan this year to be better..And so I have so things I plan to work on...this year is going to be about getting myself together..becoming more self sufficient..And stable...I think that is the most important thing...becoming more stable..
My mood and feelings leave me so down...And I know Anita told me that the symptoms affect my daily life more than I let on...I try so hard sometimes and just can't manage.. I can't get out of bed..I have no motivation no desire..right now I'm fighting urges to hurt myself...And I'm not sleeping...I really want to sleep..
I guess you can say I have learned a lot this year..about myself..How I handle things..How I think...I currently feel more broken than whole..but that doesn't take away the lessons..
I'm no longer completely sure why I wanted to write this...I'm feeling a little mixed up right now...Ok a lot mixed up...