There is an emptiness that engulfs my soul. I am so tired, my mind is
tired, my body is tired. I dont know what to do or say and i would
prefer to stay in bed and not have to deal with anything. I don't think
I am really believed when i tell the doctors that I do not have time to
have a proper breakdown, as there is no time. After a night of tossing
and turning, I woke up this morning to complete the mid-term exam for
the pharmacy class that needs to be turned in today. Yesterday after
some not so good choices, I still showed up for my doctors appointment
in the afternoon because it was to late to cancel it. It did not matter
that I found out yesterday morning that I will be losing the pdoc who i
have worked with for what 4 or more years ? She will no longer be
working in the mental health portion of the clinic, they need her down
in the medical part of the clinic. Which means she may as well be gone
to us. So immediate shut down, and as she so nicely told me yesterday
she is not a therapist and so she didnt have to sit and wait for me to
talk to her again, and that i was to old to act like this. She said she
would rather i yelled at her or said anything so i said nothing. She
knows, i swear she knows how hard it is for me to deal with people
leaving and she tells me this ..and what does she expect me to do? so
downhill spiral was instant and immediate. why is it so easy to
automatically go after myself ? hurt myself , get back at myself in
someway, punish myself..stop thinking and just hurt over and over
as many ways possibly because that is all that matters..that is all that
counts..i knew i had another doctors appointment later that afternoon
and i planned to go and sit through it quietly.. not that it actually
worked out like that..and i was a wimp and cried ....but before that i
got new razors .. but to make it a happy occasion i also got sarahs
birthday stuff.. paranoia is way up and just buying razors at the store
freaks me out ... in the grand scheme of things that should be the least
of my worries .. long story short ..i told my doc i fell and denied
needing help for anything at all.. i told her my plan was to stop
everything .. meds, appts, no more docs, no more therapy, because
everyone leaves in the end.. and i feel so abandoned ..and hopeless and
feel so alone right now and lost and empty..and hurt...really really
hurt ..and lets just throw in sick for my troubles ..stupid medicine ..
so doc had a convo with me about not giving up and i may have mumbled
something along the lines of ok...but i do what to give up...i really
really do want to give up ...but again i cant..there is no time..sarahs
birthday is wed..i have to feed the cats..i have to go to
supposed to be going home this weekend..see my schedule is to full...i
cant pencil in giving up anywhere just stomach is to sick to
handle food..but hey i lost 3 pounds in 2 days...everyone should be
happy right ..yay me... im not really though... im drowning in sadness
.. actually maybe im just drowning .. i have a couple hours to pull
myself together before i have to go face the world again .. put on my im
fine face and hold back the tears ... because all anyone needs to know
is that im fine ... thats all that matters .. so it doesnt really matter
what i am doing to myself as long as everyone believes im fine..then im
fine ..tons of happy smiles and rainbows and unicorns
(depressing isnt it
:( ) but yeah... im fine
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