Tuesday, March 03, 2015

going to write really fast

im afraid that i will have to go to the doctor about my stomach issues..i go in a couple weeks for my shot stuff so ill make an appointment then..im just tired of all the issues and eating and getting sick and just not feeling good...something is going on with my stomach and now my throat and im tired of it...i really am..i dont feel good..the coughing i have decided is not from getting sick..its something about some weird stuff going on and im not really sure what to do...im tired of this..is a very very big way...i just want to lay down and sleep for a couple days because of not feeling well...and im in a really bad mood because im not feeling good.. and im majorly pissed off and annoyed about not being able to get my transcripts and things are just going downhill again and i dont know how to get it to stop..im back to wanting razors.to ahve.to keep..to use..i dont know..i better get going ..work calls

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