all things considered i think today was a good day..i mean feeling wise
we are ok..saw t this afternoon and worked this morning and this maybe im feeling a bit accomplished with things...showed t
some of the recent collages and gave her a bunch of stuff that had been
written the past week or so .. so yeah will see how that goes..i am
getting the feeling though that t is beginning to give up on me...i dont
know..just she is asking more often lately..well mentioning that i am
not working hard enough..and that things havent changed for me in the
past 2 plus years ive seen i just dont know about all of
that..but i guess i cant do anything but see what trying not
to stress out about it...
got in trouble about something with
mommy..that i had lied about..oh well on that on..i am sorry i did
it..and well she let me know what she thought about it..and in all
honesty what i did was sorta bad..but oh well..ill live..she will
live..and yeah..maybe now she will stop talking to me completely?! who
i talked to my director yesterday a little..not about
anything in depth..and i asked for a hug..and she said no..well the
first time i asked she said no and then said that she was going to be
aloof like i am when im at about shocked! but well when it
comes to us and hugs and lately..yeah there was no deterring us at
all..waited a couple hours..and went and asked her again..and she STILL
said no..well she said she would give me a hug on sunday when she saw me
at church

why me?!?! like really why me...i cant win with this whole hug
thing..good grief..and im just not so sure about telling my director
that i NEED a hug from her...i tell my supervisor..but well yeah..not
gonna go there with my director..eventhough the smaller kids want
to..essh..i tried everything to change her mind..and still she said
nope..she did tell me that there were two other ppl in the office that i
could ask for hugs a guy (absolutely NOT) and the other was
the other supervisor who i am ok with but dont see her on a 'its ok to
get a hug from her' hugs..and im pretty sure i may
die between well yesterday and sunday without a hug...yep im gonna die..
but i did see my little 3 yr old today that i want to keep..and he smiled so so big when he saw me

came right over and started talking to me. he is so adorable. he
tells me he loves me. and i tell him i love him. his mom is a yeller i go out of my way to talk to him and let him ask me millions of
questions..all he wants is attention you when im with him i try
to let him talk and express what ever it is that he needs to express at
the time..i do love that little kid. he is actually the little kid
that had the seizure last year and i was there and umm helped and
and im sorta considering this retreat thing at my directors
church...well its a women's retreat and its just for a it
could be doable..its interesting you all about retreats

if it means no work..but it would be expensiver if i went by
myself..but at the same time im so not sure about rooming with my
director or any of her family..that would be so yeah..still
considering it..i think its in june..hmm maybe its in of those
hmm do i have anything else to talk about ??? not sure
.. i think ive just been a bit off since the darn time change..dont
know why its affecting me so very much..but yeah..i just cant get a
handle yet on the time being different and it getting so late but i feel
like its early..and then in the morning i just want to sleep and not
get up..yuck
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