today is pay day and im really mad at myself that i may not be able to pick up my check..because i still have work to turn in..and i have to care cas im broke..and well cold medicine would be really nice...but still im just looking at the stack of work that i should have done already and i just want to leave it there and move on..but i cant get paid without turning my stuff in..and so i have till 5:30 ish today to get it in..and in between all of that i have to see a couple ppl..and i know i can prolly change things around with seeing my supervisor this evening with a client..because my head just isnt in it ..but im just getting more and more frustrated at myself for falling behind...once im behind i just struggle so freaking much to catch up..and it feels like i just stay behind...
im supposed to be seeing t this morning..and i really want to see her..i do..but i have to get my work done..and i feel like crap..and i dont know what i want to do..because then its like my day becomes broken up into like 2 hour increments..and i have a couple hours now before its time to see t..and then i have a couple hours after t..and then i have to meet someone to pick up something..and then i have to...well you get the picture..and so i could cancel t but that causes a lot of unrest..and causes me to feel really frustrated all over again...i may just have to figure out how to work around it all..and go see t and spend the rest of the day working on getting stuff done...oh i dont head just isnt working properly right now..and i just want to lay down and sleep..and the logical thing to do is not see t and work on work stuff..but since when have i ever been logical?
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