Thursday, December 28, 2017

life still alive lol...ive been working so much that i no longer even have the energy to mess around on fb soooooooo tired...but i made it to today and i am off and sarah and us are going on our second 'staycation' ...leaving for the hotel in a couple hours ..and just gonna hang out and spend some time together ...ive been at work more than ive been at home i think...that is what it feels like...she got me a bunch of card games for christmas and so we are bringing those along and a couple movies to watch...outside of the mommy issue christmas was good a little sad but i got some fun presents and then of course more unicorn stuff and build a bears .. 

once again a baby is being dropped into my lap and i am considering the adoption..i am..but at the same time there is a war inside about am i willing to give up everything to care for a child...that is what is giving me pause..does that make me a bad person ?? that i want to not give up the freedom i have now? but there is still a lot of back and forth on the idea...yes, no, maybe....ugh...i wish it was just black and white..clear ideas and pictures and no maybes or what ifs...sadlly i mentioned it to mommy and while she didnt not veto the idea..she did tell me that i needed to know both the father and mother of the child because i didnt want a monster baby ...yes she actually told me not to adopt an ugly child.. -sigh- i want a child so much..but am i ready for one ?? that is the big big biiiiiiiiig question...i talked it over with t and she did give me a realistic look at it..and what im getting myself into ... i mean i know what im getting into if i agree to it...but it was good to talk it over at not any closer to a decision though and luckily i have some time on my side .. i dont know what to do..

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas to my friends and family  :) 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

quick note

things are just rough...very rough with no end in sight..i keep hpoing to get through the holidays ..thats schedule is crazy and i feel like i have no time for time to breathe..i am tired and cranky and achy and just stressed out and worried about things... that is all...

Thursday, December 07, 2017

fudgesticks ...

well ...-sigh-  well

i saw the doc today and i got a talking to about not taking care of myself and not caring enough to do it and well falling off the wagon of good health yet again... so frustrated with myself you know...i know better..i have done better..and still i fall off the wagon...i am heavily in not caring mode but that is going to have to change as my weight and sguars and everything is up...and that is not just disappointed ... and i need to make some changes you know....changes i have made before ...changes that will help me ...

i dont know

but mood wise..mentla health wise things are pretty low .. i am struggling a bit with the negative thinking and intrusive thoughts and have actually caught myself wondering how cfast i would have to go to crash my car a couple times...and it scares me really does....old thoughts about not being good enough are popping up and wanting to hurt myself thoughts are creeping in like monsters under the bed..i cant escape thiem...i cant control them and i am nervous being with myself when i know i can be irrational as heck about these things...

so again i dont know

Friday, December 01, 2017

the going ons of my mind ...

things are well moving along as they usually feeling a bit down..a bit out of it.a bit off lately...i dont know why...time of year maybe ? horomones? just me being a downer?  who knows..

so the process for me to be transferred into the pharmacy has begun ..ill be working on learning the register once a week starting next week.  i have to do the transfer paperwork online when the portal opens up..but it will be a promotion .. im sad that i have to retake the pharmacy classes but oh will be a refresher course for me ...and they will pay for me to take the national im not complaining at all.. it is a lot different working at the drug store and dealing with the holiday rush because it is crazy...i am working on christmas day also..but i asked to so maybe it will be a quiet day lol..

yesterday a coworker told me that she was jealous of me and my homemaker skills....she called me independent and it was a shocker for me..i mean this is the stuff i thought everyone knew or was supposed to, sewing, taking care of a household, first aid skills.. i dont even know how i picked up the skills honestly...but i use them .. i thought knowing how to cook was an important thing but this coworker told me she doesnt cook...and i looked at her like she was crazy lol... she said she goes to her mom for a lot of stuff still and im not mom doesnt even live in the on my own you know..i have to know how to do this stuff..but at the same time i feel so dependent on her still..and so to have someone tell me she sees me as being super independent is so mind blowing in a lot of ways...i struggle with doing the day to day stuff a lot having it pointed out that i must be doing something right is nice...again stuff i would not acknowledge as being a big deal a big deal ... go figure

i got a fit bit on black friday and i have been wearing it...and it is so is also a bit depressing because it is an actual representation of how little i move and how little i drink water and all of that...but i sleep plenty !   it tracks my sleeping too which is ashamed of myself and how lax i have become ...where is my motivation.?  where is my drive to do better to be better?  im a lump of nothingness ... (yes i have been yelling at myself again) i dont measure up...when i work i am moving..i am walking..i am getting my heart rate up..but when im off ... i am just so tired that i just lay down and do as little as possible..there is no happy medium..its either i work and move or im home and im sleeping .... frustrated with myself ...i really am... but i know things wont change over night ..that i have to put the effort in... its just that with work i end up so tired that i dont want to do anything else when i get body aches so much i just want to be off of my feet you know...

on the christmas front i am moving along well...i am almost done with my shopping for everyone where i have to mail the boxes out...ill be doing that around the middle of the month...and then i just have a few things to pick up for people here in richmond and sarah..but i can get that last minute if needed...but i really need to get the boxes mailed off in a timely really i just need to do a gift card run and a couple more stores..and ill be pretty proud of the stuff that i have found for totally mad at wayne because he is my secret santa and he hasnt said what he wants....i dont want to just get him a gift card but that may be what he gets..i dont have anything to go on with him...and it frustrates me to no end..ugh..

otherwise things are going as well as can be not truly taking my medicine like im supposed to or checking my sugar....blah...i gotta do better on the physical health slacking majorly in that area...

but each day is a new day....i gotta keep reminding myself of that ...