What Happens in Cancun.Really should stay in Cancun haha
So went to Cancun last week, flew down and stayed for a week. I flew out of NC instead of flying out of VA because the flights had better options in NC. I also managed to find a nonstop flight which was way less stressful on me than having stops and getting off and being so worried about missing my flight or something. So got to the airport incredibly early and the waiting made me freak out a bit because just waiting and thinking reminded me that im not so sure i even like flying !!! talk about bad timing!
But since it was a little late to be getting out of my ticket, I realized that well i kinda HAD to go :) Now flying internationally even if its only to Mexico is an expericene. I know Ive watched one to many episodes of locked up aboard and my mind was going in all directions as i went through customs and had my passport looked at millions of times and stamped and pushed buttons and yeah. it was an experience. Coming back was an experience too because its like you come in through a whole different section of the airport because of having to go back through customs. weirdness but did it :) even made it through all the stupid security and everything and didnt set anything off thankfully.
So made it on the plane and lasted through the trip..wasnt so bad but it
was a bit boring. but being in the sky was pretty awesome ..I wanted to be a pilot for a split second and just fly all over the place . I had a window seat so I got to look at all the massively fluffly clouds and blue skies :)

So made it to cancun late morning, got suckered into a deal that i didnt use. but made it to the person waiting for me and eventually made it to the resort ..the interesting thing is that driving through cancun (the non hotel resort part) is really just like any other place..It actually reminded me a lot of California. Got to the resort checked in, and waited for yvonne to get there because we came on separate flights.

This was my favorite place to chill out while hanging out on the beach. the beds and chairs and lounges were awesome. Just laid down and watched people walking by, watching people being suckered into buying stuff, had free drinks, and looked at the ocean. When yvonne got there we laid around and talked and caught up which was pretty cool because I havent talked to/seen her in forever!!!

And this is me messing around with my camera in a bathing suit...i had worried and freaked out so much about wearing my bathing suit and going swimming and all of that..due to all the scars on my upper body...i did wear my suit but i also kept a tshirt on about 90% of the time. This is a huge huge deal for me. I spend so much time hiding them, and this was the first time I actually felt ok enough to try to be comfortable in my own skin .. it was hard..but i did it multiple times. I wore my sleeveless dress out to dinner, and went to another hotel in it. I felt incredibly scared and majorly exposed and it really was only like 3 hours but it felt like a lifetime! but i lasted through the whole thing without covering up my arms.
And this is my random cool box of spanish frosted flakes :) I found it amusing and brought the box home with me :) Found these during the timeshare tour which was kinda cool but also very tiring. we toured some of the other hotels, and they tried to convince us to invest..i was more easily convinced than yvonne, and so she had to talk sense into me before i signed up for something that i couldnt afford!!! but we did get a free tour and a free massage out of doing it. Now anyone who knows me well knows that I am not all that keen on being touched or undressed in front of anyone..and i end up with this free full body massage that i could only assume meant being undressed. After a lot of freaking out I agreed to go through with it. Waiting in the spa made me so so nervous..i was going to have a major melt down..but yvonne was with me and talked to me and helped me not run away in terror...so the massage lady came and got us and of course it was like ok undress..I had some privacy but really..one little sheet just aint enough..but i did undress almost completely..and then freaked out about it and hid under the cover while waiting for the lady to come back in. then it was the whole low music, and being massaged and rubbed quite throughly with lotion ... it was so strange having someone touching me like that and i had to remind myself constantly that i was safe and nothing was going to happen. being that i was so undressed and what not (had my bathing suit bottom on) its like all of my scars were just out there..the lady doing the massage didnt say anything about them..but i was very aware that she was touching them and what not..since this was a full front and back massage. and of course i ruined it and giggled when she did my feet. geez...but yes i made it through the whole thing..and yvonne did stay with me..but we didnt really talk through the massage..when it was over though i couldnt even get up lol...i didnt want her to stop..i was close to falling asleep and so having to get up and refocus was a little bit hard to do! yvonne helped me with getting redressed due to the whole strapless bra fiasco..the thing gave me boobs i didnt have lol.but it did stop my dress from falling off :) so she helped me get it all straightened out and off we went to a fancy dinner and walking on the beach..

These are some pictures of the beach that i just really like. The water was so clear, nice, calming. Im not a huge beach fan, and i actually prefer being in the woods/mountains..but this i enjoyed..It was pretty. It was calming. There was space to think you know.

Now these last pictures are from the boat tour to the island...this trip began on an off note due to some conflicting information we had received about it being free but there was still a fee..blah blah...so got all that settled and we left on the ferry. now i knew i had been seasick before..just the feelings of being really nauseous and stuff..so i wasnt to focused on it..you know..i thought i would be fine..and so the trip started..after about an hour of just being on the water, drinking, talking and watching the water as we moved further and further away from cancun..we stopped for the people who were snorkeling and i wasnt doing that so i just stayed on the boat..but suddenly i was feeling very very sick..and so i was just sitting down..waiting for the snorkelers to get back..and you know just looked at the view and stuff...they came back and we started moving again..and out of nowhere i was sick..literally barfing over the side of the boat sick..even writing about it makes me feel so embarrassed..but i was sick and yvonne did the whole lets hold my hair back so that im not throwing up on it..she managed to get my phone away from me because i was holding it at the time...and the whole situation was made worse by the simple fact that we were moving and it was windy and so being sick and wind doesnt mix well at all!! but eventually i stopped..the crew on the boat helped with cleaning up and gave me water to kinda clean myself up with..and one of the women on the boat had motion sickness meds and gave me one...but me being me..i was so upset and scared and embarrassed that i started to cry but kept on my sunglasses so that it wasnt that obvious..but finally we made it to the island and i can barely walk im feeling so awful..and it was lunch time and i just wanted to stay far away from food..but again i was advised by one of the crew to try eating some rice before eating anything else..and i ended up eating some like chicken and tortillas..but was still feeling pretty sick..so i went down to the beach with yvonne and hung out in the hammocks..which turned into me napping for a little while.. when it was time to leave the short boat ride to the downtown section of the island was manageable..walked around..got talked into buying stuff..ended up with a sombero that i have no idea when i will be wearing it again lol..but i bought it gosh darn it lol..and it has a blue flower on it...but then i was feeling to hot and tired and we stopped shopping and just went and sat in one of the bar /grill places while waiting for the ferry to return...and in this bar i found real food..i talked yvonne into getting me a cheeseburger and fries lol..i was so hungry...i mean the resort had food..all over the place..but it was not food i wanted..so my one and only cheeseburger was found on an island in the middle of the ocean lol..i was still kinda in my own little world and just sat and listened as yvonne talked to some of the other people that were on our ferry..i took another of the motion sickness pills before getting back on the ferry...and again took my seat in the front of the boat..and we started and i was okish..but gradually was beginning to feel sick again...and finally realized i needed to be in the back of the ferry and not the front because there was less movement in the back..and it was cooler back there and i was out of the sun..the crew again reminded me to not look directly at the water because of the up and down motions..and at the back i didnt have as much of a clear view of the water..and so my stomach managed to settle down..and then the party started lol..the dudes on the crew had the music blasting and the drinks flowing..although i didnt drink anything more than sprite lol..but they danced and pulled out the grass skirts and coconut bras and everyone joined in..crew and vacationers alike :) it was fun, it was loud, i danced on a pole lol ..but yvonne has those pictures lol..but it was just a good time you know..i was finally able to relax and enjoy the end part of the trip. it really was a fun time. Made it back safely and again i swear to never get on another boat again lol...but of course then getting back to the hotel was an issue..and we were able to take the shuttle part of the way and then found out that it would be a whole freaking hour before the shuttle would run to our hotel..so the city bus it was...and i actually took a city bus in cancun and did not die or freak out! but by the time we got back to the hotel i was dead tired...like i made it up to our room..mumbled something to yvonne..and then i laid down...it was like 6pmish ...and i ended up going to sleep..and i slept and slept and slept somemore...i was done for the day and didnt wake up until the next morning which was our last one in cancun...i asked yvonne why she didnt wake me up the night before and she said that she figured i needed the sleep.because i was dead to the world..i know i woke up a couple times and talked to her about random things..but still very quickly went back to sleep..i think just so much activity and so much sun just wore me out...and i slept...but waking up on the last day..i knew i was ready to come home..i knew that i had had enough with vacation and that i was missing my routines at home..and so yes it was time to leave...
Thanks to me and my packing habits i couldnt get my suitcase to close lol..and so yvonne repacked the whole thing for me :) yep i had my bear and a ridiculous amount of clothes..and all sorts of random things that i needed and never used lol..but we got me packed up and napped again..and then it was time to go..flying home was fine too..again the whole customs and being checked and stamped and all of that..had my last meal in mexico was at the airport..and it was just a sandwich and chips..again for me that was normal food :) and home i came
got some pretty neat little knick knacks and painted a pottery sun/moon combo down there...a lot of just laying down and watching cartoons in spanish ..that surprised and frustrated me a lot ..i wanted to watch cartoons gosh darnit and then i couldnt understand them! but i watched them all the same..occasionally i was able to find a show in english and watch it but it wasnt the same you know.

Overall I am very happy I went. it was good to get away from life, and working and expectations..it was..but coming home was good too.. (yvonne >)
there were a couple instances where i was feeling rather down and after a couple days i stopped the drinking and went back to taking my meds..cas my thoughts werent bad bad.but i knew that it would get there..and so i just stopped the drinking..and went back to sprite and water and juice...but gosh darn those long island ice teas were lovely :)
and so that was my trip :) in a nutshell
I lasted a whole week with just me and yvonne :) and it was goooooooooooooooooood
fantastic to read...you deserved it...now i want to see the pics of yall in the grass skirts n u dancing on the pole....thats gotta be awesome to see....i love the pics of the ocean.....wish i could see it
lol those may be under lock and key :) :) but will see if there are any good ones
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