On days when you don’t have a thought in your head—when you’re not up, but you’re not down, you simply ARE—go sit outside and listen to the breeze whistle through your empty places, and love the day you’re in. ~ Sandra Kring, bestselling author
a bit down
a bit sad
a bit quiet
a bit thoughtful
a bit overwhelmed
a bit disappointed
a bit worried
a bit frustrated
a bit tired
a bit stressed
a bit longing
a bit lonely
a bit guilty
a bit ashamed
a bit nothing
a bit everything
yeah just a bit of everything right now. its not necessarily a bad thing you know. but its just that something is not clicking right now..and i want to escape but i don't know from what..
my mind is wandering a lot today..this morning..ive been up for hours and accomplished nothing...im in a flat mood..so neutral that i cant decide whether i am happy or sad or depressed or upset..i don't know..
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