chilly and rainy day...matches my mood right now...stomach is not doing so hot right now and im sure its because of having fast food last night...but was just cranky and tired and didnt want to cook and it had been a really bad night and so yeah..just stopped and grabbed something on the way home..which i think was really binge mode cas just wanted to eat and not think or deal with anything

but well yeah..stomach is not happy and feeling sick and cold and yeah..struggling this morning...
yesterday..yesterday was really really bad and it all concerns work stuff..i ended up back at the hospital with a client and he got his self there and i arrived later with his mom...and after like 2 hours of waiting and waiting and not talking to the doctor..he up and leaves the hospital..didnt say a word to me or his mom...we thought he was out side smoking...the doctor comes in looking for him..and you know i say hes outside..half hour later his mom walks back into the room and says he is at home..he walked home! oh i wanted to takes a lot to get me feeling pissed off ..but last night i was pissed off and mad and frustrated..and so we go back to her house...i tell the kid he has pissed me off and that he is the most inconsiderate person i have ever response...i asked him what he was going to do..he is positive he cant stay at home..he is going around telling all his friends parents that he cant stay at home..and no one will talk him in..and so he got mad and walked to his friends house again without freaking saying anything..and so we track him down and then i sit and have a long conversation with his mom about how she needs to press charges next time..and that she has 3 little kids that need her..and the 17 yr old who will be 18 next month she needs to just let go..well once he is 18 she needs to let him go..and she was breaking down and crying and oh it was a mess last night..

and i have to keep it together and help her and track down the inconsiderate jerk of a son she has..and no i dont want to see him ever again..and its like my whole evening got taken up by him..and it made me still mad..and i called my supervisor 4 times yesterday and she didnt answer!!!

any other freaking time she would have picked up the phone but the one day i really truly needed to talk to her and she didnt pick up..sometime in the mess of things she called and left me a message but pretty much said if it wasnt a life threatening emergency then she would talk to me tomorrow?!

it was going to be a life threatening emergency because i was gonna ---- insert what ever word you want there...but yesterday just stressed me out to the max..and by the time i got home i was just done..
and i want to scream and yeah ...i plan on taking up the whole freaking staff meeting today talking about yesterday! ugh...
and well now im behind on my not even close to having it done for my second job..and im like resigned to just turning it in late..cas i just ..i dont know..i just ..i just didnt do it when i should have and now im going to be late with it..and its just been a not so great weekend..but thats not an excuse..and yeah..feeling a bit rotten about it all right going to work on it and hopefully will get it done at some point today inbetween staff meetings...but im just kinda..feeling blahish about all of my paperwork right now..really am...
so im gonna go and try to get one more done before i have to start getting ready for my meeting..and then the rest ill just have to figure out later head just isnt in it today..and i want to go back to sleep...

<----- i think this is gonna be me for the rest of the day...
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