it snowed here in va yesterday and some of today..yvonne says we got over a foot of snow..we are kinda snowed in ..well the cars are covered but people are just kinda digging themselves out of the snow if they need to go somewhere..but im not driving today or tomorrow..i dont plan on driving until i have to actually show up at work and thats only cas i have too! ugh..i had to drive last night to get back home while it was snowing and it freaked me out big time..it was highly stressful and anxiety provoking and really hard to see cas it was dark when i was coming back home..so i like the snow i do..but i know that i really need to prepare better for it..like i dont have anything to get ice and stuff off of my windshield..and stuff for an emergency..i mean ive never been in snow like this and so theres a lot i dont know..but i guess ill be learning and learning fast..
but the snow has been has a lot of fun..just with like playing in it and stuff..i have been the ringleader of that..i wanted a fort and so everyone has helped me build one..we are still only about half way done with it but we so have a fort in the works :) it is fun..it was a lot of fun actually..and have had numerous snowball fights..and just in general goofing off in the snow..
but here are some pictures of all the snow
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